Possible Supernova PSN J12215513+0428169 in M61
Possible Supernova PSN J12215513+0428169 was discovered on March 23, 2014
by the Lick
Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS). Located at 2" west, 8" south of
M61's nucleus, it was shining at a mere 19.0 mag at the time of its discovery
and quickly fading below mag 20.0. Its type could not be determined yet.
As of late May 2014, it was found to be visible on two of the images but not
detectable on a number of others, so it needs still confirmation.
As dim as this one is, it may be a nova in M61.
.. more to come soon ..
Hartmut Frommert
Christine Kronberg
Last Modification: December 9, 2014