Subject: Messier Marathon 2024 results from Russia! Date: Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 9:53 PM From: Pavel Zhavoronkov (Ecliptix) My name is Pavel Zhavoronkov. In recent year 2024 in a night 3\4th March I took an another Messier Marathon on my traditional northern location site near Vologda city, Russia - 60 degrees of northern latitude! My equipment was 30cm homemade Dobsonian. The night was clear and relatively cold (-10 degree of Celsius). Beginning of Marathon was extremely luckily for me: I could saw ALL objects from evening segment of sky, including M77, M74, M33 and M79! But this Marathon will be especcialy memorable also because exactly in this night unexpectedly happen very bright northern lights! What a night it was! Despite on Aurora event, I continued Marathon, though sometimes object search was very difficult because sky brightness too much high! Fortunately, aurora located on the north through zenit, without reaching southern sky (where located most objects!). Then, I was confident with next objects around midnight. However, Moon phase at that night wasn't full suitable - 50% and it located exactly in region full of Messier objects + as morning approaches, my energy began to leave me. As result, something morning objects I could not saw because the Moon and a few object I missed by my fatigue. Totally, I saw 85 objects - good result for this northern location! It was a beautiful night and excellent adventure under the night sky! This is a happiness!