Subject: Messier Marathon Results 2024 From: Luisa Montano Date: Wed, Mar 13, 4:27 AM Dear Hartmut Frommert and Christine Kronberg, SEDS We want to contribuite with our results 2019 in The Sociedad Astronomica Guadalajara, A.C. held its 2024 Messier Marathon on March 9-10th in Atemajac de Brizuela, Mexico. The favorable weather conditions permitted the sighting of 5th magnitude stars, despite some cirrus clouds appearing after midnight. Among the notable achievements in the manual category were Maria-Luisa Montano's with 90 objects using an 8-inch f/5.9 newtonian, and Gerardo Rizo's observation of 34 objects with a 6-inch handmade newtonian. Unfortunately, M30 remained elusive and couldn't be observed. A highlight of the night was the visual and photographic observation of comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, situated in Andromeda. Thank you. MaLuisa Montano