Contributed by: Rick Tejera, Marathon Coordinator The 2019 All Arizona Messier Marathon Report Well, the 2019 All Arizona Messier Marathon is but a wind blown memory, but in spite of the weather, we still had a successful event. 82 people showed up including several folks from California, who heard about us on the Cloudy Nights forum, a nicer bunch of guys you'd be hard pressed to find, along with the usual suspects from Phoenix and Tucson and Kingman. A few folks showed up on Thursday and enjoyed a very good night of calm winds and good seeing. Friday saw an influx of observers looking to get in an extra night's observing. Ma Nature was having an asthma attack and her huffing and puffing kept the wind up all night. Most folks gave up and packed it in early. Saturday brought in the rest of the observers, who staked out their claims and set up for the main event. But before the Marathon, 33 folks ventured over to the Antennas site, where we held a brief memorial to our friend Steve Coe, who sadly passed away late last year. Steve's ex wife Linda came and brought Steve's ashes. We circled the spot where Steve always set up and each aid a few words in remembrance of Steve. Kevin Kozel had made a stone marker, which was left on the rise overlooking the site. It was a moving tribute to a man who was a driving force in the success of the Saguaro Astronomy Club and the Arizona Astronomy community. Rest in Peace, Steve! After returning to the Airfield, we began setting up for the now traditional pre marathon dinner, Prepared by Chef Lori Prause and her Sous Chef Mitch. We gathered around for a delicious meal of Pulled Pork Sandwiches, fruits, chips and cake. We then held a raffle of donated prizes and gave away a lot of nice prizes. The final prize was donated by Kevin Legore an Sky-Watcher USA, a Star Adventurer Pro Pack, equatorial mount, won by Mitch Prause. After the Dinner and raffle, folks headed on back to their scopes to await darkness. Again the wind was a factor blowing steadily al night with occasional gusts. In spite of this 24 observers turned in checklists, 18 Visual, 5 Imaging (the most on record since we started the imaging event) and one under 18. Two Visual observers saw all 110, 3 saw 109 and 2, 108. One imager imaged all 110 and 2 saw 109. The preliminary results will be published not re-post them or distribute. Their purpose is to verify the results and make any needed corrections. If you did not catch me before I lef the filed and have you results, you can email it to me at saguaroastro_at_cox_dot_net by Saturday April 6th. The All Arizona Messier Marathon is a success because of the hard work of many, including: Rick Rotramel; General Logistics Jack Jones; T-shirts & Porta Potties Lori & Mitch Prause; Twilight Dinner Kevin Kozel; Raffle & Door Prize David Dilmore; SAC President And a special thanks to Kevin Legore and Sky-Watcher USA for their continued support of the All Arizona Messier Marathon